Late Mr. Dyke Motsepa , The general manager of an Edleen
Dairy shop died in hospital on Friday morning, March 31, after being shot
during an armed robbery in Midland, Geuteng,
South Africa on Thursday night, March 30.
Late Mr. Dyke Motsepa tied the knots with his wife Kido
Nyareli on March 11th.
He succumbed to his injuries, a bullet wound to the stomach,
while being treated at Tembisa Hospital.
According to Norkem Park South Africa Police Service,
Motsepa was wounded during an armed robbery at Pizzarology, a wholesale dairy
distributor on Modderhill Road next to CR Swart Drive, during which two armed
men ambushed two general managers and a security guard.
According to a co-worker, Emmanuel, he and Motsepa had just
finished locking up the shop at about 6.30pm when the incident occurred.
“I was waiting in the car for Dyke as he was setting up the
security alarm. That was when one of the security guards at the complex said he
noticed a white Golf parked inside the complex.
''He went to the car and told the person inside they were
not permitted to park there. But the person ignored him,"
When he was done, Motsepa got into the passenger side of
Emmanuel’s car.
"A few moments later, I heard an extremely loud bang on
my side of the car [driver’s side]. It was a man carrying a big gun telling us,
‘Phumani! Phumani emotweni!’ (get out of the car), which we did."
As Emmanuel and Motsepa got out of the car, the armed man
instructed them, along with a security guard, to get onto the floor. Moments
later, a second man, armed with a small handgun, walked up to the group while
talking on his cell phone.
"They started asking us where the manager was and we
told him he was gone. They didn’t believe us and told us we were lying. The guy
with the big gun saw someone looking down from the flats nearby and became
nervous. He called someone and told them to bring the car around because
someone was watching them,” Emmanuel explained.
A Golf car pulled up and he went to the car. The second guy
also started walking away and that’s when Emmanuel and Motsepa saw an opportunity
to escape.
"As we got up, I heard a huge bang. When I looked, I
saw the second guy with the small gun had shot Dyke in the stomach."
He then fled in a white Audi. Motsepa screamed in pain and
walked towards a passageway at the shops, where he fell to the ground.
“He asked for us to call his mother."
By this time tenants from other shops had come outside after
hearing the commotion and called an ambulance and the police.
Emmanuel had known Motsepa for years after Motsepa had
started working at the shop about seven or eight years ago.
"He had become like a brother to me because he knew my
family and I knew his."
Motsepa, who lived in Ivory Park with his family only
returned to work about three days before the incident after being on leave for
his wedding.
"Just yesterday he was showing us photographs from his
wedding day."
A woman who worked with Motsepa and Emmanuel described the
deceased as a “fantastic person who was very loving and kind"
Photos from their wedding...